
Thursday, 4 August 2011

MoreSnow V1.2! A Bukkit plugin by Tster

MoreSnow V1.2

Hey guys, this is my first blog post, about MoreSnow V1.2, one of my Bukkit plugins, go ahead and watch the video below, and if you are even more interested there is another paragraph below the video!

So, pretty cool 'ey? Anyway, one of the first plugins I made, on request by jimbo8, I believe it was my(tutorial tag along - 1, TNTTrigger - 2) 3rd plugin! Pretty good for a 3rd bit of Java from a 12-year-old, So, V1.3 will include a brother plugin(BetterIce), and a plugin rename to BetterSnow! Avalanches(a pretty cool feature, can't wait to make 'em) will probably come when the RealFluids API for blocks is released, and the next major update, V2.0 will include realistic spreading algorithms!


  1. Epic dude!

    Does this plugin use the special snow heights though?

    Ex. Snow:1 snow:2

  2. I'd love to see an update for the current version of bukkit!

  3. I'm making a snow plugin, maybe u can help me,
